Whatever you hold in your mind will tend to occur in your life. If you continue to believe as you always believed, you will continue to act as you have always acted. If you continue to act as you have always acted, you will continue to get what you have always gotten. If you want different results in your life or your work, all you have to do is change your mind. -Anonymous
Our words have incredible power. The words we speak to ourselves, what follows our “I am”s have life-transforming power. I am strong. I am smart. I am creative. Or, I am clumsy. I am weak. I am slow. When our self-talk is positive it builds self-esteem and promotes success. Adversely, when our self-talk is negative it breeds insecurity and a defeated mindset. The good news is you get to choose your words, and what follows your “I am”s. Be intentional, choose to speak kind words to yourself and others.
I am grateful to be a part of this amazing Harrisburg Team.