As a young teenage girl, even though I was healthy I was above the weight chart standards. I was bullied for being overweight which was devastating. I struggled with depression, low self-esteem, and hopelessness. Fortunately, I had a father who thought I was beautiful and a mother with a fighting spirit. So, I learned to get up when life knocked me down. Insecure and desperate for relief, I believed that conforming to the ideal standard of beauty would rescue me from the relentless teasing. I reinvented myself, learned how to apply makeup, create and wear the high fashion trends, and over summer I lost 30-40lbs. Which lead me to my passion for Health and Fitness.
There is so much outside influence that dictates what the ideal standards are that girls should aspire to, as they develop their identity and place in society. Girls are swayed to look outside of themselves to establish their beliefs about themselves and others. Their self-worth gets entangled in the mixed messages that they receive resulting in low self-esteem, confusion, competition amongst themselves that sometimes results in bullying. Furthermore, many girls fall prey to unhealthy addictions, self-harm, eating disorders, suicidal thoughts and sadly suicide. If we continue to not be satisfied with who we are as girls, we grow up to be women who lack self-esteem, confidence and make unwise choices. This leads many of us at best not live up to our full potential and at worst to never believe in ourselves at all. I’ve experienced this myself and seen my teenage daughter and her friends face the same challenges but intensified by social media.
My coaching company and Blog, Perfect for Your Purpose, evolved quite naturally out of my desire and purpose to help others, from my 40 years of experience in the fitness industry; as a personal trainer, group exercise instructor, weightloss clinic manager, TV host and owner of Freedom Fitness. Through my program and blog, it is my intention to encourage, empower and teach women, and girls to embrace their one of a kind beauty and strength. Love themselves by taking care of their body, mind, and spirit through health and fitness, which builds self-confidence, strength, and character. My message is timeless, love who you are, believe in yourself, be lead by your purpose and live victoriously.